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Paperback Release Celebration!

The dead tree edition of Inspiration (made of real actual paper) can now be acquired from Amazon!

To celebrate, I’m giving away a free physical copy. The winner will be drawn at random from those who complete all the following tasks:

– Join my mailing list at

– Follow my author profile on Facebook (if you don’t already)

– Share this post on social media!

On the mailing list you’ll receive occasional updates, warnings of new releases, and advance previews of what I’m working on before anyone else.

You can either find the version of this post on Facebook and share it to your wall, or if you’re reading on my website then you can use the social share buttons. Tag me if you can, using @Dacedrgn on Twitter/X, or dacedrgn on Instagram. If you share on Facebook, make sure you share a version with all this explanation, rather than just a link or picture!

The winner will be drawn on 7th November. If you’ve already got a copy of the book, you can instead have a refund and a free piece of whatever merchandise I end up making!

Good luck, and Happy Halloween!

Published inInspiration


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